The GigReporter

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It is easy to become amazed with technological advancements to the point of believing the latest software or gadgets will make the difficulties in your operations disappear. The belief technology alone can solve all organizational issues is the great hope; the notion makes a powerful sales pitch that we all fall for. However, technology is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to successful business operations and risk management.

SCI strongly believes you should look for three qualities when determining what Third Party Administrator is best for your business:

  1. A technology platform promoting transparency for you to evaluate the data it stores;

  2. People that are knowledgeable about the issues that affect your business and proactive in alerting you to the issues they find; and

  3. Authentication processes customized to your business expectations and designed to stimulate business growth.

SCI is more than just a technology platform. SCI is the people, processes, and technology you need to navigate the road to successful risk mitigation. Our technology, built entirely in-house and fully customizable to meet your specific business needs, ensures your data is easily accessible and manageable. Our full staff of dedicated Client Service Teams, an in-house legal department, IT specialists and programmers are all readily available to assist you in ways that technology alone can never do.

Request a demo today!

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